Sunday 27 November 2022

Angels Demons Natural and Supernatural - A course for Advent 2022


See below for the links to the audio recording of my talks given in the parish.

Talk 1a - The nature of Angels

Talk 1b - 9 Choirs of Angels

Talk 2a - Guardian Angels

Talk 2b - Demons part one

Angels and Demons, the Natural and Supernatural


Natural vs Supernatural

Natural            That which is part of nature, or, that which proceeds out of nature. That which is owed to nature. This is what creatures receive by the Creator in their creation. We might think of it as ‘ordinary’. Sin is contrary to nature.

Natural order  The orientation of all creatures to their ultimate end in accordance with their nature.

Supernatural   That which is neither part of nature, nor proceeds as effects from nature, nor can be claimed by nature. The supernatural is super-added by God over the claims and endowments of nature to the natural gifts of the creature. The supernatural is entirely gratuitous on the part of God. It requires direct divine intervention. Without secondary or natural causes. God is not bound to grant supernatural gifts.

                        e.g knowledge of the Triune God, actual grace, sanctifying grace, the immediate vision of God (beatific vision).

                        Also, effects upon the natural, e.g. miraculous healing of a person

                        Some things are not supernatural for other creatures, e.g. infused knowledge is supernatural for men and natural for angels.

                        Relatively supernatural belong the preternatural gifts of man’s primitive state (lost at Fall), i.e. Adam and Eve’s freedom from concupiscence and bodily immortality.


The visible and invisible of Creation

As used in the Nicene Creed.

Visible = material        Part of God’s creation which is made of matter. Both living and dead.

Invisible = spiritual      Part of God’s creation which is immaterial. It does not have a physical, material existence. (Does not mean things we cannot currently see or detect, but that which we could never materially detect.)

Angels                         Spiritual creatures

Animals                       Material creatures

Men                             Material and spiritual creatures (animals with spiritual souls)